Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Brighton
Cadet training for youth between the ages of 12 to 18 takes place every week on Monday (6-9 pm) and Thursday (6:30-8:30 pm) in Brighton at East Northumberland Secondary School from September to June.
For more information, or to register, please email the cadet corps. You may also register online and someone will get back to you.
100 RCACC Brighton
100 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Brighton was established in 2010 and we are still going strong! We teach cadets valuable lessons that they can use not only in cadets but in the real world. Each year we participate in competitions including biathlon, drill, marksmanship, and orienteering, which let teens have fun, meet new people and stay active.
In cadets, we have a ranking system and four star levels. Once you complete the star levels, you become a Master Cadet.
Green Star
Red Star
Silver Star
Gold Star
The army cadet ranks are as follows:
Lance Corporal
Master Corporal
Warrant Officer
Master Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Follow the link to find out more about the army cadet program.